Okay, I know some of you hear my regular complaints about my mother in law in private emails. But I just have to share this one publicly.

Global Girls With Lots To Say
A couple of months ago I thought about entering a flash-fiction contest. Your work had to either start or include the phrase "the view from the balcony." This is what I wrote, but I got busy, forgot about the contest and never sent it in. So this will never see the light of day anywhere except this blog, but at least my friends will get to see it.
She was lost, but the view from the balcony showed her the way out. A shaft of sunshine sliced through the roiling clouds that had just dumped their burden and temporarily halted her journey. It pointed to a spot just below the balcony, as if suggesting, when the time came, she begin her journey there. It was a good place: a cobblestone path lined with flowers that had only minutes before drooped from thirst and the weight of their dust shrouds. Now, they glistened with crystal water droplets that, pierced by the sunlight, tossed rainbows of confetti onto the cobblestone path, as if celebrating her decision to leave.
With the storm now over, rivulets of rainwater streamed away from the flowers, flowing through the cracks that divided the cobblestones, outlining the various paths that she might take. Below her apartment, a neighbor’s window opened. Voices and laughter drifted up to her and floated around her head, teasing her with their happiness, before soaring skywards on their own journey. Would she be able to catch up with them, she wondered? Perhaps if she hurried.
A breeze kicked up scents of dust, age, and death that sullied the moment of rebirth that the storm had brought. She sighed, resigned. When even your dreams of hope were weighted down by reality, it was time to go. She gazed skywards and whispered to the happy voices: "Wait for me. Please."
She lifted her face to the breeze and let it cool her hot trail of tears. She found the sunlit spot on the path, bent her knees, and jumped. She had been lost, but the view from the balcony showed her the way out. The darkening rivulets of red coursing through the cracks between the bricks indicated that her journey had begun.The local blood bank is in need of O negative, it's universal. So I sign up. While they are asking me my entire life history the guy in the next cubicle starts moaning, then throwing up, repeatedly (a lot.) Poor guy was taken away by paramedics just as they say, "Ms. Frost, we're ready for you."
Needless to say this hindered recruiting Gary as a blood donor possibly forever. He saw the whole thing from the lobby in horror.
The strange thing is, the way everyone responded, or didn't. Everyone just keep on doing what they were doing like no one was having a crisis. Kind of odd don't you think?
Taken as a whole, I think the findings of this systematic review can be summarised as follows: a low fat, high carb diet is bad for the heart. And, again, a close inspection of the science gives us no reason at all to cut back on saturated fat.
References: 1. Mente A, et al. A Systematic Review of the Evidence Supporting a Causal Link Between Dietary Factors and Coronary Heart Disease. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(7):659-669. DrBriffa.com
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