Saturday, November 14, 2009

Another reason why my mother in law is a jerk

Okay, I know some of you hear my regular complaints about my mother in law in private emails. But I just have to share this one publicly.

Obama came to Japan on Saturday, and Lauren, as chair of Democrats Abroad Japan, negotiated some tickets for a few DAJ officers and members to attend the speech. We were 7 rows back, front and center from his podium, and he even addressed us in his speech by pointing to our section and saying, "There are even a few Americans in the crowd." You all know I'm not very sentimental, and we've all met famous people in our line of work, but I have to say, the whole thing was pretty cool. When I came home, Tim was on the phone with Molly and he told her all about my experiences. I don't know what her reaction was, probably nothing since Tim didn't say anything to me. But today, I get this email, an invitation that she received last year--no explanation, no words at all, just the attachment. And you have to know that since this summer's debacle, Molly and I have not corresponded by email. So this is the first email I get from her since this summer.

She's so petty. How did Tim turn out to be so great, I wonder?

So I know some of you have similar relationships with your mother in law. Care to share? Any one have a good relationship?


  1. Do I understand this right, you were invited to the inaugeration and she kept the invite from you???? Oh, god, I hope I have misunderstood.

  2. I'm in (raises hand.) Both my mother and father in law are beyond my comprehension. I could write a full length book on all the crazy, uncaring, and odd ball things they've done, but I'll abridge a lifetime of them with this: in the 26 years Gerry and I have been married I have never heard these words or phrases uttered by either of them to me: "How are you?", "What's new?", "You look nice today", "How are you feeling?", "Would you like to come over for dinner?", "What can I do to help?", "I'd love to hear about (insert word of your choice)." I have never met two peopple who show such an utter and complete lack of interest in another person. But worse, far worse, is that their son, my husband, has never heard those words or phrases either. Yet, these two people are devoted,compassionate, and interested in their freinds lives. I will never figure them out, and sadly, the time has long passed when I feel the need to try to.
