Saturday, January 2, 2010

Resolutions Anyone?

Well, 2009 is finally over! Thank the gods!

anyone make any resolutions this time around? I usually don't but this year I am going to try a few simple ones.

Decluttering! major work done by the end of January
Better money systems and assessment
Work on writing again

get some of the stress out of life, especially by doing 1 & 2 above.

How about all of you?


  1. I'm going to post something this year that people will comment on. I guess my posts are too weird or personal or negative.

    Also, my resolution is to try to be less cynical and more positive. I'll start meditating more. I actually hate to meditate (odd from a yoga teacher, I know, but it is only the start of my iconoclastic thinking about yoga), but will keep an open mind.

    Oh, and I'm going to get off the computer when my kids come home. They think I care less for them than the computer.


  2. (aside, Linda, I love your posts)

    OK, I have one resolution: This year I'm not going to try to go through every window and door of opportunity that opens up to me. For the last decade I've been driving myself to never say no and try everything I can and I'm exhausted. I only have a finite number of good years left in my life and damn it I'm going to spend them doing those things that I love, not just doing things that I think I should be doing. In particular, I've found that everything I've done to advance my career earnings has pretty much floundered, I've had a single goal ever since I started working as an adult and that is to earn my age and I'm still not there. Very disheartening.

  3. Ladies I'm a little surprised by your posts.
    Linda, I like that you speak your mind and see things differently (from me anyway.)

    MJ, I think of you as a creating a life and career that support the things you value - riding, traveling, lots of friends.

    Just goes to show you that what we believe to be our personal shortcomings can be perceived very differently.

    My resolutions -
    This year, I need to steer away from my perceived shortcomings and embrace my talents.

    Revamp my business plan. If that doesn't bring the results I need, go back to working for the man - to support the lifestyle I want.

    Gary and I are both focusing on fitness. Too much comfort and not enough exercise. Plus, I've had to make big changes to my diet due to migraine triggers (possibly worse now due to hormonal flux.) The list of things to avoid deserves its own blog, and they all taste really good.

    More socializing - to little fun and too much focus on work = burnout.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful 2010.


  4. This year, my resolutions are all quantifiable! I work better when I have tangible goals so I set #s to everything:

    --Read 100 books
    --Run 1000 miles
    --Compete in 10 races
    --Lose 10 lbs

    I also hope to enjoy the here and now a little more rather than worrying about what might be - not as easily measured but an important goal.
