Friday, April 24, 2009

Does anyone else have this problem?

You know what I did today? I had a list of things to get done, and most of them required a little time and effort--like doing my bookkeeping for the business, sewing more eye pillows for my students, vacuuming the house,etc--but they absolutely have to get done. So what did I do? Answered a couple of emails (not a real priority), searched my photo library (to post here becasue Lauren asked in her post about Obama's dog to see a photo of my dog), boiled some eggs (definitely not a priority), and designed an evaluation form for my high school, which wasn't even on my list of things to do because it isn't in any way a priority and it isn't my job to do it. I just happened to think of it this morning when in the shower.

This happens to me all the time. I will get emails from friends, and because it takes a little time and effort, I'll put it off until I have some free time. Yeah, right. Months go by, the emails get buried further and further down in my mailbox, then when I'm cleaning out my emails, I realize I never answered. BUT, I'll answer unimportant emails quickly because it takes only a moment of my time.

But what is really the problem is that I end up with a list of things that all require time, and then I feel overwhelmed that there is so much to do.

Sue will most likely have a litany of ways to organize myself and my day to avoid this, but I actually know already what those things are. Do it when it comes in to avoid a huge inbox pile. I know what to do, I just don't do it.

Does anyone else have this problem?



  1. Yes! Here's an example...

    I have this form at work that I need to turn in. When our building was renovated we got new elevators which are supposed to be synced with our ID badges so we can use the elevators to get to non-public floors in the museum. I rarely use the elevators to get upstairs, preferring the stairs instead. Still, I really should get my badge activated. I completed the form and had my boss sign it 2 months ago - at least - and it is still sitting in my "to deal with" pile on my desk. Every week I put on my to do list to turn it in, and every week I don't. My excuses are that a) I don't need the access and b) I never go by the Security office (where I have to turn it in). I think it's really just laziness.

  2. I suspect you are a little too hard on yourself. You may not do all the things when you think you should do them... but you get things done.

    Maybe sometimes it is just your heart and mind telling you that it is boiled egg and email day-- not a face pillow and photo search day. Sometimes we are where we need to be and we just need to appreciate that. Not all the time- but sometimes.
