Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sue's answers

What did you eat for Easter dinner and where?
Chicken at home. Gary didn't eat. We had gone to a big brunch with friends and neither of us had much of an appetite later in the day.

What is the most recent movie that you have seen: Henry Poole is here.

Where were you born: Manhattan, NY

Name three places where you have lived:
1) Queens, NY
2) Newark, DE
3) Wilmington, DE

Have you ever been in a car accident (explain briefly, if answer is yes): three, in the car with my mother as a kid. Someone ran a stop sign she had to stop abruptly (pre-seatbelt law) my head cracked the windshield. Yes, explains a lot. Minor rear end collision in a spring break incident (passenger) and a minor fender bender about 20 years ago when car in front stopped for no apparent reason.

What is your favorite day of the week and why: Friday, the promise of the weekend.

What is your favorite flower: Lilacs and Lilly of the Valley

What is your favorite sport to watch: Not very sports oriented anymore. The occasional minor league baseball game and a hot dog is fun.

What is your favorite ice cream: Can't eat chocolate anymore, so probaby coffee or Hagen Daz dulce du leche

Have you ever been on a ship: A bon voyage party for my grandparents on the QE2. Does a ferry on the English Channel count?

How many times did you fail your driver's test: once

What do you do when you are bored: Doesn't happen much. Catch up, read, or return calls.

Park or Zoo: Park

Pearls or diamonds: My favorite pieces are neither. I love my antique and costume jewelry. Most belonged to my mother but a few pieces from flea markets.

Beach or Mountains: Beach first, mountains a nice second.

How spicy do you like your food (1= not spicy, 5= get the fire extinguisher)? 5

Do you have pets? None. Now allergic to cats and not home enough for a dog.

What do you want to do before you die? Travel more.

Do you still have your tonsils? No

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? Dangerous or stupid? Dangerous: Hitchhiking. Stupid: Driving a stolen car

What is your favorite smell? many - Lilacs, Lily of the Valley, vanilla (during baking prep), the beach, Gary (not necessarily in that order.)

Do you consider yourself strong? Yes, physically, emotionally...Most of the time.

What book are you reading now? David Allen, Getting things done.

What is your favorite book: can't decide.

Four places you have been on vacation:
1) Maui
2) Italy
3) France
4) Austria

Three things you do every day (not including hair combing, teeth brushing, etc.)
1) Eat breakfast/dinner with Gary
2) work
3) drive

Three things you are passionate about
1) my business - organizing
2) my marriage
3) Lew's wellbeing

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