Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bo-Bama And Doggie Envy

There is study after study that indicates that having a pet- and especially having a dog helps people reduce their stress, lowers blood pressure, and creates happy and relaxed thinking. So I think it is GREAT that our new president and First Family have a new dog.

I LOVE this photo of President Obama and the new first dog. What a joyous shot. They are clearly already bonding. And he (the president I mean) looks positively buoyant- his feet are not even touching the ground as he races down the hall! How totally cute.

One of the things I am sad about in my life-- is not having a dog. We had a dog in my family from when I was born-- straight through to when I moved to Japan- and I have been dogless for 11 years now. It is a sad state of affairs but my lifestyle and small small small apartment won't allow for a pooch- esp. since I like mid to large sized dogs. I am left then to live vicariously through the doggies of others. And through LOL dogs of course.


  1. Boy Lauren,
    You have picked a subject near and dear to all of our hearts! Knowing how important pets are to everyone on this list, even those who can't have them for whatever reason, I can't wait to hear what everyone else has to say about this.

    I, too, adore this photo. It speaks so much about who Obama is, I think. But I have to say I'm sick of the coverage about the dog already. I guess people are just so scared and nervous about our future, they are focusing on something simple, cute and endearing.

    Our dog has brought so much joy into our family. We got him because Laura begged to have a dog, but we never expected him to change the dynamics of the family. The kids have something to love so deeply and unquestioningly, and that love has made them better people, I think. And that is something they never could have learned from their parents. But he also has managed to make all of us check our anger to some degree. Whenever someone gets angry, he goes to someone and tries to stop them. Plus, walking him forces me to get away from the computer and out the door for some exercise. As Mary Jane can attest, that is sometimes really annoying when it is a cold Sunday morning and the dog starts calling at 5 am to go for a walk. But, no biggie.

  2. what is your pup's name? and please please post a picture. :-)

    remember I have to live vicariously through everyone else's goggies!

  3. I celebrated 4 years with my dog Crazy Legs yesterday! Can't imagine my life with out him.
