Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'll play!

What did you eat for Easter dinner and where? Ham at my niece's home.

What is the most recent movie that you have seen: "Eagle Eye" - not too bad

Where were you born: La Grange, Illinois

Name three places where you have lived: Westchester, Illinois; Newark, Delaware; Wilmington Delaware

Have you ever been in a car accident (explain briefly, if answer is yes): Yes, my first car just days after I bought it.

What is your favorite day of the week and why: The day that I don't have to get up and put on make-up and do my hair and dress nicely-that's my favorite day.

What is your favorite flower: Bird of Paradise and Lilly of the Valley-me too!!!

What is your favorite sport to watch: Beach Volleyball and the Cross Country section of eventing.

What is your favorite ice cream: Pcono Paws by Green's Ice Cream

Have you ever been on a ship: Yep, a couple of cruises.

How many times did you fail your driver's test: couldn't happen I was the driver ed teacher's pet : ) We'd get in the school car and drive to Jack-in-the-Box (where I worked) and get him free tacos- oh yeah, I passed with flying colors!

What do you do when you are bored: Get busy, I hate being bored.

Park or Zoo: Park on horseback

Pearls or diamonds: Both please!

Beach or Mountains: beach, whenever I'm in mountains I'm either freezing my ass off or lost.

How spicy do you like your food (1= not spicy, 5= get the fire extinguisher)? 4

Do you have pets? If so, what kind? only one dog now :( 2 horses and tons o' fish

What do you want to do before you die? Break from a starting gate and ride once around a race track on a horse- don't care if it's my quarter horse and I'm in a western saddle, I just want to feel once what it is like.

Do you still have your tonsils? Yes

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? Dangerous or stupid? Kayaked places that were stupid dangerous and it was just the grace of god we didn't kill ourselves.

What is your favorite smell? bread baking

Do you consider yourself strong? So-so physically, very strong emotionally

What book are you reading now? "Eat.Pray.Love."

What is your favorite book: "Like Water for Elephants"

Four places you have been on vacation: Scotland, Hawaii, Wyoming, England

Three things you do every day (not including hair combing, teeth brushing, etc.)
1. Smoke (stupid me, Im doing that again)
2. Read the paper
3. Check my e-mail

Three things you are passionate about
1) Horses
2) Making Art
3) Writing


  1. What!? Smoking again!? I can't believe it. I was thinking of all these things to write in answer to your responses, and then they just got blown away with this little factoid. What does Gerry say? How long? Why? And do you think this has anything to do with your recurring bronchitis? I'm so sad.

  2. I started again last July when I was juggling three classes, work, the horses, etc.,etc. it all got to be a bit much so I started again. I had missed it soooooo much. I'll guit again, I think that will be my story, start, stop, start, stop....

  3. Yeah. Tim says that even though he stopped smoking 14 years ago, when Byron was born, he still misses it sometimes. When he goes out to party with friends, he'll have a few cigarettes, then, but that is it, really. And he rarely parties, so what I mean is maybe twice or three times a year, he'll have a few. May I suggest that whenever you feel the urge to smoke, stick a baby carrot in your mouth instead. Maybe if you need that smokey flavor, you can dip it first in that bottled smoke stuff. I'm sure that will supplant the need for a cigarette.
