Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tricia's answers

What did you eat for Easter dinner and where? Homemade whole wheat pasta with pesto and tomatoes and fresh baked bread

What is the most recent movie that you have seen? Mamma Mia

Where were you born? Dallas, TX

Name three places where you have lived: Dallas, TX; Roanoke, VA; Arnold, MD

Have you ever been in a car accident (explain briefly, if answer is yes). Yes, a couple. Two when I was growing up (one with my mom - we slid on an icy street and were part of a 15 car pile up; one with my dad - some guy ran a light and hit us). Luckily, neither was very serious. I was in one other of my own doing - a woman stalled in front of me and I ran into her. I was only going about 10 MPH and did no damage to her car, but she sued me anyway, claiming pain and suffering. She lost.

What is your favorite day of the week and why? Sunday. I usually have all my errands and chores done by the afternoon and have time to spend by myself, doing whatever I want.

What is your favorite flower? Daisy

What is your favorite sport to watch? Football or golf. The Master's last weekend was great!

What is your favorite ice cream? I'm not a huge ice cream fan, but I guess Rocky Road is my fave.

Have you ever been on a ship? Yes.

How many times did you fail your driver's test? Once. My mom watched the whole thing and couldn't figure out what I did wrong. The tester's claim that I hit a cone parallel parking was, according to my mother, incorrect. She contends that he failed me because I was the first test of the day and he was grumpy. Whatever the reason, I went back the next day - in the afternoon - and passed with flying colors.

What do you do when you are bored? I am rarely bored, but I guess I'd say I read or take the dog for a walk.

Park or Zoo? Definitely the park.

Pearls or diamonds? Neither these days, but in high school I never went anywhere without my strand of pearls!

Beach or Mountains? I like both, but would probably pick beach before mountains.

How spicy do you like your food (1= not spicy, 5= get the fire extinguisher)? 5+++

Do you have pets? If so, what kind? Yes, I have a dog named Crazy Legs, a cat named Boo and another (very expensive) cat named Sister.

What do you want to do before you die? Wow - too many things to list here. I have a list of 100 things that I am slowly working my way through.

Do you still have your tonsils? Yep.

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? I guess skydiving, although I didn't really think it was dangerous at the time. Trapeze school was kind of dangerous too.

What is your favorite smell? Fresh cut grass

Do you consider yourself strong? Yes.

What book are you reading now? The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan

What is your favorite book? It's hard to pick a favorite, but I was really inspired by Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortensen, and I'd have to say that Ellen Gilchrist is my favorite author.

Four places you have been on vacation: Alaska, Maine, Italy, Denmark

Three things you do every day (not including hair combing, teeth brushing, etc.): Feed the pets, check e-mail, do some sort of physical activity

Three things you are passionate about: Family (to include my pets), running, education

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