Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lauren's Answers

What did you eat for Easter dinner and where?

I worked Brunch at our restaurant- we served a ham special, and some other tasty brunch specials including quiche and eggs florentine.

What is the most recent movie that you have seen:
The Watchmen- very good but pretty bloody.

Where were you born:
Bloomsburg Pennsylvania

Name three places where you have lived:
1. St. Thomas USVI
2. Philadelphia Pa.
3. Tokyo Japan

Have you ever been in a car accident

What is your favorite day of the week and why: Changes all the time.
Right now I like fridays! I am off all that day and usually keep it free of meetings and obligations.

What is your favorite flower:
Star Gazer lilies, lilac, and painted daises

What is your favorite sport to watch:
live-- baseball
TV- football

What is your favorite ice cream:
rum raisin

Have you ever been on a ship:
YUP my family used to sail A LOT
and I also went on a cruise with my mom and my grandma before she passed away.

How many times did you fail your driver's test:

What do you do when you are bored:
I am never ever bored

Park or Zoo:
both for me too.

Pearls or diamonds:

Beach or Mountains:
the beach ABSOLUTELY

How spicy do you like your food
4 Pretty hot but not so bad you can't taste anything else.

Do you have pets?
I want pets soooooooo badly it is painful. But my lifestyle and tiny apartment make it impossible.

What do you want to do before you die?
See as much of the world as possible.

Do you still have your tonsils?

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
Rock Climbing-- Big rock faces. Lots of fun.

What is your favorite smell?
coffee, bacon, chocolate chip cookies baking.

Do you consider yourself strong?
yes- too much so at times

What book are you reading now?
Growing the Green Economy

What is your favorite book:
I don't really have a fav. too many that I love.

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Sydney
2. Munich
3. Vienna
4. Austin

Three things you do every day
1. email, email and more email
2. some writing
3. long long hot hot showers in the morning

Three things you are passionate about
1. politics
2. food
3. community


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