Saturday, May 23, 2009

Guess what I did this week...?

I tore my calf muscle while doing aerobics. Am walking for the next two weeks on crutches, but am STILL teaching yoga. I had a blast today. I sat in a chair with wheels and rolled around helping my students do their yoga. It was kind of fun. I hate the f**%$ing crutches, though, because they hurt my hands. Plus, Tim laughed at me for the first two days until I figured out how to walk on them right.

Do you have any idea how much it hurts to tear your calf muscle? I can't even move my ankle without searing pain. Okay, it wasn't as bad as the pain I felt when my ribs punctured my lung after a car accident, but that pain went away after I got to hospital and was treated. This hurts all the friggin' time, plus I have the added pain of the crutches on my ribs and my hand and the blisters on my hand too.

So how about you all. What was your worst injury?



  1. Ouch! That does not sound fun, Linda. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery...

    I'm not sure what my worst injury has been - there have been so many...

    There was the time I broke 8 toes at once in gymnastics. The two times I broke my thumb - the left thumb while skiing, the right in gymnastics. The countless sprained ankles endured during gymnasitcs, field hockey and lacrosse, which eventually resulted in reconstructive surgery the summer I was 17 (I still have a nice scar from that). The broken ribs from slipping while getting out of a car and broken ribs again this past winter from falling down the stairs. The pulled achilles tendon at gymnastics camp.

    This probably makes me sound like I'm clumsy but I'm actually very coordinated! And other than the 2 broken ribs incidents, I think all of these injuries happened before the age of 18. I put my parents through a lot while growing up, but I've been pretty much injury-free in adulthood!

  2. I hate crutches, hate them. When I was 16 I had my first (of many) freak horse-related accidents. I'd been riding and was handwalking my horse to cool him off, I stopped to let him graze and while he was eating I put my arm on the pasture fence- wrong- running right next to the wood fence was an electric fence set high enough to fry an egg and yep, my arm slid between the hot wire and the wood and got caught. My free arm flaied out and landed on my horses rump, the electric went through me to him and he kicked the bejesus out of the right knee. Result, crutches for about 2 months. Nothing broken, but after that I permentaly lost all feeling in about a five inch section of my leg. Before that two bad falls before I was 6 both of which resulted in concussions and likely caused my epilepsy. And of course the big fall 2 years ago when the horse stopped and I didn't and I went head first into a fence post (yeah, those bastard fences have it out for me!) Grade 3 concussion this time plus slight bleeding in my brain- recovered just fine, with no lasting effect (that I'm aware of anyway!)

  3. Geez, Mary Jane, now I know why you are so electrifying!

    Sorry, I just had to say it.


  4. Sorry to be slow to comment here. How much longer in the cast etc? and thanks again for the chocolate cake, in spite of your apologies it was quite tasty!
