Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Morning People vs. Night People

This is what I look like in the morning- kid you not.


  1. I'm the exact opposite. I stayed up until 11:30 last night and can hardly function today. (Good thing there's lots of strong coffee in my office.) I get up at 5:00 a.m. during the week and sleep in until maybe 7:00 on the weekends. If I sleep past then, I feel like I'm wasting the day away. (Surely my father's influence.)

  2. I function best in the mornings. No matter how late I stay up, I pretty much always wake up a the same time, but I LOVE my afternoon naps when I have time to take one.

    When I used to work in an office or at the museum, I always got in to work earlier than anyone else because I could get so much done in that hour or so before anyone else arrived.

    Of course, I love my coffee, too.

    Byron is like me, but Tim and Laura could (and sometimes do) sleep the day away. I think Laura's latest wake up time was 11:30, and she would have slept longer, but I just couldn't justify letting her sleep past both breakfast and lunch.


  3. I wouldn't call myself a morning person or a night owl- I'm just a solid 8 hours of sleep and don't rush me in the morning person. What I HATE is having to get up and rush- nothing puts me in a worse mood. On those rare occasions when I oversleep and I have to hurry-well those are the days I'm a grumpy bear and not so pleasent to be around. Ok, off to get my giant size coffee now....

  4. This conversation reminds me, MJ, of the time you quit work and I visited you for breakfast in the early am before going to work. Oh, I soooooo miss those days.

  5. Those were the only days I didn't mind getting up a littler earlier! I miss those days. Do you still drink hot water in the morning?

  6. yeah, but now I add ginger and lemon to it. And coffee of course. I really do love my two cups of coffee every day.
