Friday, September 11, 2009

So its September, what's on your list?

Ok, I admit it, I'm a list person- I have the big in my lifetime list, the this year list, the this week list and the today list. Oh, and of course, there are two sets of these lists- personal and business.
So my personal list (abridged somewhat lest I make you guys way too bored) for September through December.
1. Finish writing my online and face to face to classes for Wilmington University.
2. Lose 5 pounds- I've given up thinking I'll lose what I really need to lose, right now I'll settle for five freaking pounds.
3. Plan trip to Florida - bless my horse trimmers heart she and her husband are going to let Gerry and I use their Orlando, FL condo the week after Xmas and they are only going to charge us peanuts, so it will be a relaxing vacation that won't break the bank.
4. Ride, ride, ride - find more time to ride.
5. Figure out a way to do Xmas without spending three months getting ready- there has got to be an easier way, would love some ideas.
6. Try to carve out some time to spend in the studio- I've got so many ideas for new jewelry designs and no time to try executing them.

OK, ladies, that's my list, what's on yours?


  1. So Mary Jane,
    Did you see that movie The Bucket List? If so, what did you think? I didn't see it, but when I read your posting above, it made me think of an interview I heard with the Director of that movie.

    I think you know my answer to your question above. I rarely make lists, certainly not long term ones. Right now, I have a list of all the things I want to do for the haunted house I'm making and the games for the Halloween party I will have for my English students. It's pretty well organized if I do say so myself.

    But here are some things I want to do in the coming months.

    1) Work for at least a few hours on the story I started writing a year ago and have put on hold.
    2) Study and prepare for the breathing workshop I'l hold for my yoga students.
    3) Practice breathing exercises so every time the Democrats piss me off I don't scream out in rage and scare the neighbors (funny story there. The other day I was watching Obama's speech on health care and he said a few things that I disagree with, so I talked back to the tv, and on other occassions I cheered what he said. The problem was, I'd forgotten that the gardeners were working in the little garden right outside my living room, and after one of my outbursts, I looked up and saw him staring at me, presumably wondering what the crazy foreignor was doing now. People here, to my knowledge anyway, do NOT get so worked up over politics).

    4) Make a haunted house in my basement and prepare for Halloween, my absolute favorite time of the year.

    5) Make invites for my second annual Christmas cookie party.

    6) Be ready at the drop of a hat to do something to push for health care reform in the US, sign petitions and write my congressperson (REpublican so not much chance of getting through there) and Senator Castle who I hope, hope, hope will face a challenger in the 2012 election because I will shower that person with money and support (more support than money probably).

    Okay, Mary Jane, what in the world do you do for three months to get ready for Christmas?

    Please make sure the last item on your list gets done. I love looking at your jewelry. Since coming home from the states, I have been making paper beads, and even though it is a junior high school level skill/interest, I really like them and I love how they look. Last night, I made my first pair of earrings last night. They were pathetic. I took them apart. I have a much greater appreciation of what you do now. Need any paper beads?


  2. I'm a list person too. So here are my fall to do's:

    --Evaluate last year's programming
    --Write performance appraisals and next year's performance plans for my staff
    --Plan for and stage drum programming in November
    --Draft Thanksgiving and Christmas staffing schedules (ah, working in a place that is only closed one day a year is so glamorous)

    --Begin banjo lessons! (Yes, I am taking banjo lessons and can hardly wait)
    --Finish the Marine Corps Marathon in a personal best time (what they call a PR in the running world)
    --Schedule Sister (cat) for a fructosamine check
    --Line up a cat sitter for Christmas
    --Begin Christmas shopping and/or Christmas gift-making
