Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Over the last 10+ years, I have suffered from bouts of insomnia. Sometimes episodes are triggered by stress but other times - like now - I have no idea what brings them on. I'm busy but not stressed at work, I'm looking forward to vacation in just over a week, I've been working out like mad (marathon training does that to you!), and eating well. No clue why I can't sleep.

I used to lie in bed, tossing and turning and waiting to fall back to sleep but after years of experience I've learned to get up and try to do something productive. So tonight (this morning, actually) I decided to post to the blog!

Anyone else out there deal with sleeplessness? And if so, how do you cope?

(Interesting side note - I was searching for an image to use with this post and almost all of the images I found under "insomnia" or "insomniac" were of men. And yet all of the insomniacs I know are women.)


  1. Trish,
    What a shame. I remember another bout of serious insomnia that you had when we worked together and how long it lasted. I hope this is only temporary because it affected your health, too. Remember?

    The only time I've ever experienced insomnia was at the museum, when he who must be named only with expletives accompanying the name was making our lives miserable. One job change later, and presto, no insomnia. Interestingly, two of my yoga students have recently been experiencing insomnia (both women to add to your list), but only one of them can relate it to stress. There are yoga routines that are supposed to help you with insomnia, and a few minutes of meditation may help, too. I'm somewhat skeptical of it, I have to say. If the problem is falling asleep, then I think the yoga and meditation can help. But many of the insomniacs I have encountered are really suffering by waking up in the middle of the night and then not being able to fall asleep. Or waking up every couple of hours. I don't see where the yoga and meditation can help as much with that.

    I'm glad, though, that you used your time to post to the blog. Have a nice vacation. Good luck working this out.


  2. Oh! And don't you just love that T-shirt?

  3. Oh my, I remember all to well "he must be named only with expletives" -truly the nastiest person I have ever had to work with. But enough about that creep, he isn't worthy of wasting words on.

    Insomina, hate it. About once or twice a year I get a good week's worth of it. I've found that taking melatonin helps alot. Its over the counter, no side effects and I'm usually alseep within a half an hour of taking it. I use Melatonin Plus by Schiff.

  4. Thanks Mary Jane, I'll add that to my list of things to buy in the US and can maybe give some to my students.

  5. Insomnia is gone! Slept like a baby Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.
