Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

A happy and safe holiday to one and all. What are your plans for the day?


  1. So, I guess if I'm asking, I should tell. This morning was all about gardening and we got the front garden pruned and weeded and in the back removed one of the ornamental grasses to better show off my hydrangea's. Must get some photos up of them.

    No riding today, we are off this pm to near Baltimore for a family event and then late this evening to a friend's house for a party and watch fireworks. I've made my in(famous) Bourbon Slushs to take along as well as miniature cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting and a toasted pecan on top (semi-homemade.)

  2. we went to a few antique flea markets here in Tokyo. Lots of fun!

  3. Mmmmmmm! Bourbon slushes. Cinnamon rolls. Drool!

    I worked on the 4th, and then had a great party with my yoga students, Jocelyn's friends and another friend's friends. Does that make sense? It was in Jocelyn's garden and we had about 50 turn out, each bringing something to eat. It was really fun, but we didn't have any fireworks. Maybe next year.
