Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It Really Does Take a Village

While I was at home today, I heard some odd noises in my carport, then Sparky started barking. Before I could get to the window to see what was up, I heard a little, weak voice at my door saying, "Sensei." That's teacher in Japanese, and it was one of my students who is about 7 years old. He said he had fallen on his way home from school and showed me his injuries on his hand and his knee. I had to look really close to see anything, but sure enough, in both places there was a little scratch; no blood, and the skin barely broken, but I sat him down with Sparky, ran to the back of the house for neosporin and bandaids, then fixed him up.
The reason this is such a cute story, though, is because his house is about 5 minutes from mine, but my house, I guess, was the first one where he knows someone, so he stopped here for a quick fix. Tim says this is the perfect example of how we are living the "It Takes a Village" life here. And this is the second time this has happened, although the last time, the girl really had fallen and cut herself. I really like that the kids feel so comfortable with us that they see us as being just another part of the community. You may all take that for granted, but as a foreigner here, we aren't always so welcome. At least the kids and their moms have embraced us.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely story, and I'm envious, we hardly know our neighbors and we've lived here, gulp, 26 years. But on the other hand, we are never home and the truth is I have a hard enough time keeping up with the people I've chosen to become friends with, let alone friends that come into our life because of geography proximity. OK, so I guess I'm envious but still wouldn't change our solitary homelife. However, I am looking forward to a time when my life can be less hectic, more relaxed, and I will know my neighbors.
