I'm not much for cold weather (anything under eighty degrees), but I'm a sucker for a snow day
The sun reflects off the snow making everything is bright and beautiful. Gary and I greet an unexpected day off like a couple of six year olds. I guess it's leftover from childhood. A snow day just feels like stolen time.
But, the novelty wears off (no worky no money). We have about 40" of snow on the ground. 28"from the weekend and 13" fell yesterday. For the second time in a week Delaware is in a "state of emergency" and driving is banned in the City. Banned!? I think anybody who can get their car throw should receive a special commendation.
We've embraced the snow day activities - sledding (makeshift with, what else, plastic lids of storage bins - thank goodness for kids who share sleds*), baking - zillions of cookies, apple cobbler, cooking - pot roast and goulash. We're going to roll out of this place ten pounds heavier.
Then there's the mismatch of clumsy people and ice. Not good. One minute I was getting out of the car with a bag of lovely jar candles, and the next I was looking up from the ground with a lovely bag of broken glass. Gary's fall was especially impressive considering it was inside on the stairs (not down the stairs.) While attempting to take out the recycling he stopped at the top of the stairs to pick something up and thud. He's still a little mad at me for laughing, not just a little - full hysterics. This is what cabin fever does. And, by the way, they have stopped picking up the trash and aforementioned recycling due to snow. They don't tell you that in the brochures.
*I think the kids greased the loaner sled because I've never experienced anything like it in my life. Greased lightning. Totally airborne several times. One gust of wind was so heavy with snow I couldn't see a thing while careening face first toward the street. It was like being caught in a wave and not knowing which end is up. It was great while been very disconcerting.
A ranting and mixed review. I'll blame the cabin fever. It's my birthday today and it would be nice to get out. There's always the weekend.