Saturday, February 20, 2010

Be stupid

I feel so old. Today, I was looking at a magazine and came across the new Diesel Jeans ads. Has anyone else out there seen them? The theme is, be stupid.

Like we haven't already dumbed down our society enough as it is with the inane coverage of balloon boy and Heidi someone's multiple plastic surgeries, and Tiger's love affairs someone out there is blatantly saying it--be stupid. Maybe it is better to have them clearly stating their purpose instead of hiding it behind something else. But it just makes me feel old because obviously they are going after a young market, and I'm sure the campaign will be successful, but I hope it fails miserably, and I don't understand the attraction of being stupid, and I can't imagine a meeting where someone said, here's my idea and then they pitched it to supposedly smart people, and then those smart people said, yeah, it's a great idea. So, I guess that means I'm out of touch. And then I look at my rant about dumbing down society and sounds like some old person complaining about the youth today, but I don't feel old, so...I don't know where I fit in.

I know it is just an ad, but ads reflect something about society--either what is accepted or what is pushing the edge. Is it possible that promoting stupidity is acceptable, and if not, then how is that pushing the edge, I mean what is it aiming for?

You can see the whole idiotic campaign here

I guess the only plus is that if people act as stupid as the people in the ads, the average IQ of the population will actually increase since only the smart people will live long enough to propagate.



  1. So I guess if you're smart you never have any fun?

    I probably wouldn't buy Diesel jeans anyway, but based on the ads I'm pretty sure I'm not hip (or stupid) enough to wear them. I'm also too old.

  2. I must be stupider than I thought because I've had a lot of fun in my life. Still am.
