Okay, I know some of you hear my regular complaints about my mother in law in private emails. But I just have to share this one publicly.
Obama came to Japan on Saturday, and Lauren, as chair of Democrats Abroad Japan, negotiated some tickets for a few DAJ officers and members to attend the speech. We were 7 rows back, front and center from his podium, and he even addressed us in his speech by pointing to our section and saying, "There are even a few Americans in the crowd." You all know I'm not very sentimental, and we've all met famous people in our line of work, but I have to say, the whole thing was pretty cool. When I came home, Tim was on the phone with Molly and he told her all about my experiences. I don't know what her reaction was, probably nothing since Tim didn't say anything to me. But today, I get this email, an invitation that she received last year--no explanation, no words at all, just the attachment. And you have to know that since this summer's debacle, Molly and I have not corresponded by email. So this is the first email I get from her since this summer.

She's so petty. How did Tim turn out to be so great, I wonder?
So I know some of you have similar relationships with your mother in law. Care to share? Any one have a good relationship?