Friday, September 11, 2009

So its September, what's on your list?

Ok, I admit it, I'm a list person- I have the big in my lifetime list, the this year list, the this week list and the today list. Oh, and of course, there are two sets of these lists- personal and business.
So my personal list (abridged somewhat lest I make you guys way too bored) for September through December.
1. Finish writing my online and face to face to classes for Wilmington University.
2. Lose 5 pounds- I've given up thinking I'll lose what I really need to lose, right now I'll settle for five freaking pounds.
3. Plan trip to Florida - bless my horse trimmers heart she and her husband are going to let Gerry and I use their Orlando, FL condo the week after Xmas and they are only going to charge us peanuts, so it will be a relaxing vacation that won't break the bank.
4. Ride, ride, ride - find more time to ride.
5. Figure out a way to do Xmas without spending three months getting ready- there has got to be an easier way, would love some ideas.
6. Try to carve out some time to spend in the studio- I've got so many ideas for new jewelry designs and no time to try executing them.

OK, ladies, that's my list, what's on yours?